Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Fun Saturday

Um. Zoe helped me load stuff in the truck before our canoe trip. We had to get up very early. Zoe was designated as Red Dog Leader for our expedition, but I got to be assistant to the Red Dog Leader. We had to wake up Eleanor and Zach, Eleanor didn't really want to get up, but she did.

When we were canoing, it started to rain. Then we came to a beaver dam and all had to get out of the canoe and walk around it. Everyone got out that is, except Zach. He sat in the canoe and said MOW! MOW! MOW! while dad dragged the canoe through the tall grass and mud. Then dad stepped in quicksand and sank up to his knee in smelly mud. Then we got into the canoe and went to the fishing spot.

Dad helped me fish, and I caught the very biggest fish of the whole day. All together we caught 10 or 15 fish. It was great fun, but we got very wet! We should have brought our rain jackets.

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